Human Swirl Soup.

Listen and you’ll hear whispers of wisdom and bits of clarity come though as the world resets itself. Again and again we go to sleep and wake up yet to repeat our lives. Most of what we think about through our days are thoughts we’ve thought before. Negative thoughts at that. These limited belief stories that we tell ourselves are responsible for the ruts we sink into during our lives. Perhaps someone said something to you once upon a time and you don’t even remember but your subconscious does and it remains there… as a story in your mind.

These stories can hold a power over our minds and bodies that most of us are unaware of. They create an emotional response which can trigger a physiological response in your body. Let’s say you sit around all day and tell yourself that you are dumb, that you are incapable, that you are sick, that nobody loves you, that you are not as beautiful outside your body as you are in the inside, etc. These thoughts can eat our dreams, alter our reality, cause disillusionment, and create some epic chaos in our lives.

We can either listen to these stories and choose what truths we believe and perceive, or we can find some stillness, rest, peace, and search inside ourselves for what we are really yearning for…. To be seen, heard, felt, and able to be expressed as the fullest amount of our soul’s energy as humanly possible. However, the day to day drama of modern life can bring our energetic frequency down and become addicting. So addicting and attention seeking that we can often forget what the wind feels like on our faces, what cold water on our bare feet feels like, or how refreshing a natural landscape of cedar trees smell. Our senses and physiology are being hijacked left and right by corporations, politics, religion, sports, and other bits of nonsense that cause us to forget, or maybe more so distracted that we loose sight of a grander scene at play. That we are energetic beings inhabiting bodies, meat suits designed to get us around and offer protection for our soul.

Wildness, who ever would think that I would be writing about souls… Let alone thinking about souls. Souls with thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, styles, ethics, practices and so forth. But where did they come from? Where are they going? What are they saying to you to “control” how you operate your human body machine?

You may have heard of ancestral or generational trauma before right? That’s real. They’ve traced it back that we can pick up patterns and beliefs from multiple generations back but also what about past lives? Those past lives, generational instilled mindsets, and what we have picked up from our ancestors correlates into our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and stories we talk about and embrace today. Passed down patterns of learned human behavior over time. Kinda neat right? Kinda scary right? That is okay! We can get through this. We human beings are on an intergalactic energy loop of existence with our souls!

Now, what does this have to do with anything that I practice on a day to day basis with clients? Everything…

If we are souls that inhabit a human body that means that we have levels and layers like a physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional body. These all must be looked after in this reality if we are to have a healthy and sustainable life to fulfil our energetic purpose for our soul to be on this realm. So, the CranioSacral Therapy work that I practice via the Upledger Institute provides a complete toolkit for working with the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional body. This is known as a holistic view whole person health because this treatment takes the entire being of our existence into account. Traditional Western healthcare systems work from a reductionistic lens, trying to pull apart the physical body and look at each system separately but the uniqueness of the human design is how everything works together, either in harmony or dis-ease.

My work takes an out of the box approach to treating the whole person and seeing them as an energetic system or soul, if you will. My practice is evolving to work at striving to bring out the best and most energetic expression in other humans. Using gentle hands on bodywork I’ll alter your consciousness and drop you into a cozy space where you can let you soul go and relax while I work to create space in your brain for your networks to realign and reconnect to restore. We are magically created and our complex machinery can often use a bit of tuning and tweaking. The subtle work of CST is often a last resort solution for people looking for various musculoskeletal relief but beyond the physical elements, it can be used on a deeper and spiritual sense of natural medicine. If you are open to that sort of thing…

Welp, this was some random ramblings following a lovely morning walk and yoga session. These thoughts just flowed right out. Take them easy, take them gentle, and take them to heart you incredible soul!

May the Force be with you.

  • Joel


Here we are again!